Jessen et al. (2020) publish on how AR can drive creative customer engagement in JBR
Recent reports and research suggest that managers not only lack insight into how AR might engage customers and enable creative activity,...

New article on Augmented Reality Marketing (ARM) in the Australasian Marketing Journal
Recent advances in Augmented Reality (AR) technologies have led to a growing interest in their application for marketing strategy and...

New publication on social Augmented Reality by Hilken et al. (2020)
Imagine you need to make the difficult decision to redecorate your home and choose a new wall color. Wouldn't you want to see immediately...

What's Mine Is a Hologram? How Shared Augmented Reality Augments Psychological Ownership
Imagine a 70-in. TV set in your home. Now imagine an Augmented Reality (AR) hologram of that TV set, visually indistinguishable from its...

Transforming the Retail Frontline Through Augmenting Customer Mental Imagery Ability
We are delighted to announce that a paper by Jonas Heller, Mathew Chylinski, Ko de Ruyter, Dominik Mahr, and Debbie Keeling has been...